What if we could take treatment satisfaction to a whole new level?

Greater patient satisfaction of treatment can lead to better adherence, subsequently improving clinical outcomes and QOL[1][2]

Improved clinical outcomes

Improved clinical outcomes

Satisfaction of ART may influence HIV care retention and ART adherence, of which both are key factors of viral suppression (all p<.0001).[3]

Enhanced treatment adherence

In a cohort of nearly 3000 Swedish PLHIV, overall treatment satisfaction was associated with a better ART adherence.[4]

Increased treatment durability

The prescription of a tolerable and convenient ART is a critical step to increase treatment durability.[5]

Although efficacy and tolerability are still cornerstones of treatment satisfaction,[5] the modern era of ART therapy has opened the door for new possibilities to improve the lives of PLHIV

In a survey of 1085 PLHIV:[6]

  • 73% of respondents on treatment were concerned about the long-term effects of ART
  • One of the most important potential improvements to current regimens was the reduction of these long-term effects (25%)

Daily life is filled with barriers to adherence – unexpected routine changes, hectic schedules, sleeping away from home[7]

In a survey of 1085 PLHIV:[6]

  • A principal recommendation for future ARTs was the potential for a longer lasting treatment

The EACS guidelines agree on simplifying treatment in PLHIV who are virally suppressed[8]

A patient preferences questionnaire in 218 PLHIV showed that ART should:[9]

  • Support emotional QoL by making their HIV status less obvious to others
  • Maintain their social QoL by allowing them to continue to participate in social activity

Similarly to switching treatment because of physical events,[10] switching treatment due to mental, emotional and social needs can save lives, enhance outcomes,[11][12] and ensure PLHIV have a life worth living

Autonomy is also a key determinant of patient satisfaction[13]

More is needed to tackle the consequences of self-stigma[14]

It may be time to look at the non-clinical adverse events of ART and consider the new possibilities of switching to a treatment that can change the way patients live with HIV

All images are for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted is a model.

ART: antiretroviral therapy; PLHIV: people living with HIV; QoL: quality of life.